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Follow 1 Simple Rule to become Rich

Everyone wishes to be rich in their lives, looking for different ways to become successful before leaving this world.  Daily we go to bed with a dream in our eyes, a dream where we have all that we wished for in our lives, living like a king, powerful, rich and successful. We wake up the next day hoping to find a path that could lead us to our dreamland.  Each one of us wants to know what billionaires like Warren Buffett followed. We look forward to his bits of advice, his methods to become a billionaire. According to Wikipedia, the net worth of Warren Buffet  is around  US$88.9 billion. Sometimes, we humans tend to make simple things over complicated. We overlook the most obvious answers in our lives. We miss what lies in front of us and start to look elsewhere which leads away from our destination, from our goal.  It is like a foggy winter, fog making us hard to see what lies in front of u...
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Learn about Money to become Rich

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How to become Rich and Successful? Don't chase money.

An ordinary human chasing money to get rich. "Dad, what is the secret formula to get rich?" He raised his eyebrows as he was sipping his hot tea. "Why do you want to get rich my son?" he asked. "I want to buy a brand new car. I don't have enough money for it. Every friend of mine has bought one.". He continued sipping his evening tea until it finished. "Let's go to the nearest showroom", he said. The nearest car showroom was half an hour away from our home. As we were walking, I could see, people coming back from there workplaces after working hard in their jobs, with their shirts crushed and popping out of trousers, holding their briefcases, looking tired and cheerless, as if the life itself has been sucked out of them.  "I think I too should work hard like them to become rich and successful", I said to my dad. He paused for a moment and taught me one of the most valuable lessons in my life. "You are...